Changes Upstream - the Photographs of Stanley G. Triggs

Travel Journal

Notes kept by Stanley to document his journey down the river.

Jack Aye's Ranch

Jack Aye's Ranch August 9, 1970

Sunday August 9th

To Derossiers east side of river near Big Sand Creek. Mother and two sons, John and Ernest, bachelors, 10 children in all, met oldest child Mrs. St.Louis who was visiting, pictures.

Mrs. Derossiers was a Miss Roosvill (Scottish descent) named after her father, who had a stopping house near the border. (She was born in Winnipeg) Her father came to BC.

Her husband came to BC from St. Hyacinthe QUE.

Log house built in 1939 under the direction of an 80 year old man, new house built 2 years ago.