

Procter - Kaslo - Lardeau - Argenta


Procter - Kaslo - Lardeau - Argenta

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Map - The Kaslo-Lardeau Route


The boats on this route transported the rich ores from the Sandon area to smelters in Nelson, Trail and in the United States. The establishment of settlements along the northern portion of Kootenay Lake for fruit ranching, mineral extraction and forestry kept this route in operation until the retirement of the Moyie in 1957. The ships also connected the rail line to the north end of Kootenay Lake with the mining developments along the Lardeau River and Trout Lake, as well as isolated settlements with no road access.

Kaslo/Lardeau Landings - Procter to Argenta
Click to Enlarge Landing Name Miles from
Procter Lighthouse
East or
West Side
Queen's Bay Queen's Bay 3 West
Kootenay Bay Kootenay Bay 5.5 East
Walker's Landing Walker's Landing 8 East
Deanshaven Deanshaven 10 East
Ainsworth Hot Springs Ainsworth Hot Springs 10 West
Cedar Creek Cedar Creek 11 West
Princess Bay Princess Bay 12 West
Riondel Riondel 12 East
Mirror Lake Mirror Lake 20 West
Kaslo Kaslo 23.5 West
Birchdale Birchdale 32.5 East
Schroeder Creek Schroeder Creek 32.5 West
Lardeau Lardeau 41 West
Argenta Argenta 42 East

The locations of the various landings along the shores of Kootenay Lake and the West Arm are approximations. For some of the landings the only evidence of settlement is the pilings left standing in the water. In other locations all evidence of the landings has been removed and is only visible during low water levels in the spring.